Oral history interview of Denise Charlton


Denise Charlton has extensive experience in the fields of equality, human rights, anti-discrimination, and integration issues. She has worked in several leading roles in non-governmental organisations such as Woman’s Aid, The Immigrant Council of Ireland, and Marriage Equality, all of which are recipients of funding from The Atlantic Philanthropies. In 2020 she was appointed chief executive officer of Community Foundation for Ireland.

This fifty-four-minute long oral history interview was conducted by the Digital Repository of Ireland as part of The Atlantic Philanthropies archive project (2017-2020) titled Amplifying change: A history of the Atlantic Philanthropies on the island of Ireland in 2020., In this interview Denise Charlton gives background to her work in human rights, with focus on the work for the Immigrant Council of Ireland [ICI] and Marriage Equality [ME]. She explains how The Atlantic Philanthropies were cutting edge on issues such as immigration, sharing the view of ICI that saw a need to be able to respond to migration in Ireland early on. Denise also gives background to the foundation of Marriage Equality, which she co-founded with Gráinne Healy and explains how Katherine Zappone and Ann Louise Gilligan persuaded her by communicating that marriage equality was about rights, and that it was about inclusion or exclusion of a population of people, and This recording contains the personal views of the participants, they do not reflect the views of the DRI.
audio and oral histories (literary works)
Digital Repository of Ireland, 2015 -
Curated collection--Oral histories, Curated collection--Migrants, Curated collection--Communities, Curated collection--Citizen participation, Curated collection--Denise Charlton, Immigrant Council of Ireland, Marriage Equality (Organisation), Grant 20631, Grant 18642, Grant 15058, Referendum--Ireland--Same-sex marriage, Gay and lesbian rights movement, Non-governmental organizations, http://id.loc.gov/authorities/subjects/sh86007360, Migrants--Children--Ireland, and Immigration
Grant 20631, Grant 18642, and Grant 15058
Immigrant Council of Ireland
Year of Grant:
2011, 2010, and 2006
Location of Grantee:
Copyright is with DRI and Denise Charlton. Please see license for reuse.
Digital Repository of Ireland and The Atlantic Philanthropies