Grant recommendation rationale for grantee application G-14376 by Derry Theatre Trust


Derry Theatre Trust is a charitable company that was established in 1996. The company promotes the arts, culture, heritage, and science for the benefit of the public by the establishment and maintenance of the Millennium Forum. The Millennium Forum is a theatre, conference centre and arts centre located at the heart of Derry-Londonderry in Northern Ireland. It offers popular culture events such as Broadway and West End musical and music concerts, while simultaneously providing a platform for local and community-based arts and theatre groups

In 2000, Derry Theatre Trust was given £300,000 for a project titled Mosaic Mural. With this funding the organisation was to commission Desmond Kinney, an artist from Northern Ireland, to produce a large mosaic mural for the entrance area of the Derry Theatre Trust’s new theatre.

A two-page long rationale produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies’ staff details grant 08365 by Derry Theatre Trust titled Mosaic Mural. Contents include: Problem to be addressed, how proposed grantee would address the problem, reasons for recommending support to grantee, negatives/risks of grant, expected outcomes, monitoring and evaluation plan, previous grants, board and staff affiliation.
text and business records
The Atlantic Philanthropies, 1982-2020
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Derry Theatre Trust, Curated collection--Communities, Curated collection--Citizen participation, Grant 08365, Centers for the performing arts, Mosaics, Artists and community, Charity organization, and Curated collection--David McLaughlin
Grant 08365
Derry Theatre Trust
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
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Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies