Logic model for grantee application G-16116 by the South Tyrone Empowerment Programme [STEP]


The South Tyrone Empowerment Programme [STEP] is a non-governmental organisation based in Dungannon, Northern Ireland. Founded in 1997, it provides a range of services and advocacy in areas including community development, training, support, and advice for migrants, policy work, and community enterprise. The organisation was co-founded and is led by Bernadette Devlin McAliskey and aims to contribute to building a rights-based, participative, peaceful, and prosperous society. STEP has been funded by public funds at local, regional, and European level as well as philanthropic organisations, and small private donations.

In 2009 South Tyrone Empowerment Programme [STEP] was given £1,000,000 for a project titled BELONG- A Family Support Programme For Black And Minority Ethnic Children with the purpose to increase their sense of belonging in the southern health and social services board area of Northern Ireland by providing a range of programmes to decrease bullying, increase resilience and increase participation in out-of-school-time activities.

A one-page long document in landscape format containing a table that charts inputs, activities, outputs, short term outcome, medium term outcome and long term outputs. The document was produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies' staff to detail grantee project G-16116 titled BELONG, a family support programme for black and minority ethnic children with the purpose to by to increase their sense of belonging in the southern health and social services board area.
text and business records
The Atlantic Philanthropies, 1982-2020
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), South Tyrone Empowerment Programme, Curated collection--Human rights, Curated collection--Migrants, Grant 16116, Migrants---Northern Ireland, Non-governmental organizations, and Curated collection--Bernadette Mc Aliskey
Grant 16116
South Tyrone Empowerment Programme
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
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Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies