Grant recommendation rationale for grantee application G-09820 by Trinity Foundation


University College Dublin Foundation received funding from The Atlantic Philanthropies for a project called National Discourse, which became known as We the Citizens, a democratic participatory project to ignite citizen involvement in democracy in Ireland. The academic team involved in the independent project includes academics from University College Dublin, Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin, and University College Cork. Involving a national and international scientific advisory bord, We the Citizens tested whether a more participatory form of democracy could work in Ireland at a time when people felt adrift and disconnected from power. In late 2012 the Irish government established the Convention on the Constitution, which followed many of the procedures spearheaded by We the Citizens.

In 2001, Trinity Foundation was given €13,460,000 for a project titled Neuroscience Institute. With this funding the foundation was to support Trinity College Dublin’s [TCD] Institute of Neuroscience and the National Neuroscience Network so as to provide fifty percent of TCD's funding in excess of €31,700,000, under Cycle 3 of the Programme for Research in Third Level Institution.

A two-page long rationale produced by The Atlantic Philanthropies’ staff details grant 09820 by UCD Foundation titled Neuroscience Institute. Contents include problem to be addressed, how the proposed grantee would address the problem, reasons for recommending support to the grantee, negatives, and risks of the grant, expected outcomes, monitoring, and evaluation plan, previous grants, board, and staff affiliation.
text and business records
The Atlantic Philanthropies, 1982-2020
Curated collection--Grant documentation, Atlantic Philanthropies (Organization), Trinity Foundation, Curated collection--Education, Curated collection--Knowledge and learning, Grant 09820, Neurosciences, Charity organization, Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland), and Curated collection--Brian Lawlor
Grant 09820
Trinity Foundation
Year of Grant:
Location of Grantee:
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Cornell University Library, Digital Repository of Ireland, and The Atlantic Philanthropies